Wednesday’s Word of the Day: Synonymous

5 10 2011

Today’s word is synonymous. The word has two definitions; one means having the character of a synonym.   The other means to be closely  associated with or suggestive of something.  When I was a child, my mother bought me a t-shirt that said, “Here Comes Trouble.”  The implication of the t-shirt was that I was synonymous with trouble, and the truth was (sometimes is) that I did bring alot of trouble with me wherever I went.  Usually, the trouble was the result of my insatiable curiousity or my unstoppable mouth.  A reality that I relive on a daily basis with some of my students.

The origins of the word date back to the Greek and Latin. Syn- comes from the Greek syn- meaning the same or together, onym- from onyma- meaning name, and ous from the Latin –osus meaning having to do with.  Thus, the word literally means having the same name.  My mom literally named me trouble as a child with a cute t-shirt that she thought was funny and somewhat true.  I became identified in my life as trouble, and eventually, the shirt become a symbol for what I was: T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  I felt like trouble to the people I met.  I felt unworthy for anyone to do anything nice for me.  I felt like bother to friends, bosses, co-workers.

Today, I am synonymous with something much greater than trouble, redemption.  Unfortunately, I took a meandering road from trouble to redemption.  I tried on different labels just like one might try on different t-shirts.  In high school, I tried on religious zealot.  The fit was uncomfortable, because people don’t like judgmental jerks.  Toward the end of high school and throughout my Air Force career, I tried on party animal.  Again, the fit wasn’t quite right, when sober I was flirtatious, but drunk I was a “hound dog” to quote Elvis.  After my time in the Air Force, I tried on religious dogma, this time it fit, but it was too rigid for my natural curiousity.  Oddly, however, the idea of God-in-a-box theology was quite comforting.

God-in-a-box.  He was safe.  He wouldn’t mess with my life, upset my priorities, or expect me to change for Him.  If He ever did, I just changed the theologic box.  It wasn’t until I got to my eighth year of marriage, that I tried on the t-shirt of surrender.  That shirt was scary, it was an unknown item with an unknown quality in an unknown quantity.  Sort of like a grab bag of random cards from a baseball card show, or a christmas gift from the grandma that gives you “practical gifts” like clothes when you are seven.  The questions abound, “is it safe” “will I like it?” “Does it come with a gift receipt?”

Surrender is the best.  It fit the best.  It was difficult to get on, like a shirt that is a half-size too small.  Once you are in it, there is such a peace while on the path.  Worries about the past or the future, can be handled by the grace of the moment.  No past concern or worry is capable of destroying the ever present peace of surrender.

Surrender means that I have let go of my right to anyting other than Jesus Christ. I can no longer be embarrassed by some of those things with which I once was synonymous.  It means that I cannot know the future with any certainty and be at peace because He said He would provide for those who follow His call.

Surrender means that I am His, nothing can harm me that He doesn’t give me the strength to endure.  What are you synonymous with right now?  What from your past are you trying to escape?  Who do you want to be?  Where do you want to go?  These answers are found in the letting go of your preconceived notions about God or yourself.  It is found in accepting His way because His burden is light, and his yoke is easy.



5 responses

5 10 2011
Jennifer Poppy

Hey Honey! This is my favorite post of your so far…I love you & I’m excited about this journey of surrender the Lord has us on…


5 10 2011

I was going to put the same comment, Jen! This was your best post so far, and quite revealing. Thanks for being so open and so insightful into yourself, and all of us.

5 10 2011
Adventure: The Challenge of Not Being Normal (Part 2) « Bella Grace Home

[…] As you already know the Lord called me into ministry as a teenager.  The Lord did the same in my husband’s life at the age of eighteen.  But it was several more years into our journey with Christ and in marriage […]

26 10 2011
Greg Poppy

Jennifer and Collin,
Thank you both for your kind words! I appreciate you both for reading my blog, and I hope you find encouragement for yourselves as you read.

2 11 2011
Wednesday’s Word of the Day: Aberration « Greg Poppy's Blog

[…] whether sin in your life is an aberration or the standard is a matter of freedom, which is found in surrender to Jesus.  Have you answered His call to surrender?  Have you asked Him what He thinks of you?  […]

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